Re-inventing...From construction to cakes?
I often thought of myself as a hard working stiff, untill i became to stiff to continue to lift that kind of wieght on my shoulders...literally. A few years ago I had to have back surgery, and that my friends... changed everything. No longer was I able to have that " work like a bull ethics" at least not physically, in fact I was told that my future in the field was all but through...yes... boo who. I realized through the eyes of my wife , and children,,...that thier faith in my abilties would carry me as far as i needed to go.... which was along way, but still with thier backing I crawled onward. Could it be a sign to follow my passion through my artistic ablities?...You know it, but The quote that I have heared so many times before was stuck in my mind, that old saying that" ARTIST STARVE"! . So, now my friends begins the journey, that jump into the wonderful world of crazy punch packing pastries, and killer cakes. Wait,... that sounds like a realy cool name...Punch Packing Pastries... hmmmmmm, I wonder....Any who...Why cakes you ask? Well, I have always love the world of cake discovery, and I always would look out for the artistic flow. While recovering from back surgery, my daughter and I would whatch many of the top cake shows. One day we thought lets try the challenge, lets build a cake. Our fun begain , and has not stopped sence. So fellow cake builders, we invited you to watch the grow of our cake adventures.